As I mentioned earlier, but now proves incorrect, there are 2 other deacons. It is now incorrect because Miles is a deacon now. The othere two's names are Tyler and Jordan. Jordan is the Deacon's quorom president. Anyway, yesterday at our scout meeting, the 3 (Miles is in Utah) of us planned out 4 months of our activities our by our lonesome (with the scout leader, of course). Lots of service, about 1 service project and campout a month (not at the same time, for the most part). Within these 4 months fall The Washington Jamboree (Wash Jam), which I don't quite know what it is, and Scout camp, which I do. Both of these I am signed up for. My scout leader does not yet have my scout info, but I plan on getting it from Brother Schuck soon (If a Mormon Missourian in Rolla is reading this, please have Brother Schuck email my dad about it. Thanks.). That's about all I have Scout-wise, so I make an end to this post (Which happens to have the most parenthesis in it than any other post of mine. It's ridiculous, actually, like half the text.)