Sunday, January 11, 2009


I like to camp. I like Scouts. When we go camping with the scouts, double the fun. On this last Friday, we did just that. My mom drove Dunn and I to the church at 5:00 p.m. with our pre-prepared monkey bread ( I love you mom) and then we drove up with the scouts to Meramac park. That night we cooked up our tinfoil dinners, and for dessert monkey-bread was the star of the show. On friday we had unusually warm winter weather, but on Saturday it got real cold. After our hike and lunch, something new happened. As brother Schuck puts it, 'It was unanimous. I said, "We're all packed up, we could either goof around or go home," and they all said go home. It was too cold.'


  1. Dude! That is so awesome! I'm glad you had fun! Camping is no so much my thing... I barely lasted Girls' Camp.
    Chrissy and I love you!
    -Joryn and Chrissy

  2. I'm glad you had fun Zach, I wish I could have been there. Dad

  3. I wish you could have been there as well, Dad.

  4. Lol! joryn. I barely survived either!
    Sounds like fun, zach!

  5. i love to camp it could be -17 and i would still be camping. well of course i would still go camping, i just dont know anyone who would drive me or go with me!:)
