Sunday, February 1, 2009

THe Letter H

THe letter H has been the bane of my name tHrougHout my life. People forget the H in every one of my tHree names, wHich managed to eacH contain H's in strategic positions tHat no Human could ever figure out unassisted. THis Has Happened to tHe point wHere I Have taken to spelling out my name wHenever asked. Not only tHat, I spell it out like tHis: Z-A-C-H  W-E-S-T-H-O-F-F. So I ask you, dear reader, do not neglect the letter H in my name or in any otHer word or pHrase, lest the H decides to remove itself altogetHer from tHe alpHabet, and, as I Hope you can tell from tHis paragrapH, tHat would be a tragedy.


  1. It's a problem that binds all WestHoffs and RackHams together. I feel your pain ZacH.

  2. People always misspell my name too.

  3. I always remember the H in your name. So YAY ME!!!

  4. very funny zacH but tHats not altogetHer true!! i always spell your name witH an H. well at least you first name.

  5. How very interesting. However I do not tHink it is possible for tHe letter H to remove its self, but it would be very tragic.
