Saturday, May 9, 2009


Yeah' I'm guilty of ignoring my blog for a while, but hey, we all are sometimes, right? It's not that I haven't had anything to post about, it's just that I'm not posting. For this reason I'm going to let you guys vote on what I should post on next. You should see the poll to your right, unless you're reading this late.


  1. yeah u kinda are guilty but i am not cuz i post like every week but hey that's ok just read my blog every now and then

  2. ok i know what you can post on!!! you can say an exotic and wierd story about a naked mole rat living in an underground sky. haha.

  3. ok, the pole is closed, so, when r u gonna post? i am bored! is it because scence your moving the computer is unplugged an you don't have any internet acses (how ever you spell that)?!?!?! that would be horrible! I made a commic blog at it is funny.
